

Provide general diagnostics-a physiologic nature. Infrared has the ability to show tissue conditions as well as recognize areas that are indicative to anatomical issues. This allows you to decide on the best diagnostic approach to adopt or treatment option to use to ensure rapid healing.

Preventative medicine-detect injuries before clinical signs are apparent. If left un-addressed continued work could lead to serious injury and long periods of rehabilitation, sometimes even leading to the early termination of the talented horse's working career.

Assess injury healing/recovery and monitor healing rate - thermal imaging is an excellent locator of problems and gauge of healing or other processes over time.

For hoof problems-such as abscess detection, bruising and hoof imbalance which if left uncorrected will put untoward strain on the rest of his body and may lead to performance limiting injuries with time.

Pre-purchase evaluations- provides you with a full body assessment of the horse for the fraction of the cost of other veterinary modalities to establish the condition of the horse prior to purchase. As thermal imaging is a physiologic imaging modality, meaning it detects changes in metabolic function, it cannot tell you specifically what the underlying problem is. However it will direct you to the source of concern and allow you to follow with an anatomic imaging modality such as radiographs or ultrasound for that specific area in order to determine the specific lesion. In this way, it will help you reduce your overall pre-purchase costs considerably.

Pre-event imaging - will ensure you go to the competition confident in the knowledge that your horse is in the best possible condition to cope with the rigors of the competition and thus give you the winning edge!

Saddle fit scans- allows you to ensure your saddle is fitting properly bearing your weight evenly and not producing any pressure points which can cause extreme pain to your horse and ultimately influence his way of going.

Muscle/nerve injury/dysfunction can be detected.

Identify the source of non-specific or 'mystery' lameness.'The key to lameness diagnosis is to first find the site and then find the cause' ~ Kieran O'Brien MRCVS

The technology of Infrared can help you do exactly that with little to no discomfort to your horse.

Non-traditional lameness identification as described by Dr Joanna Robson is any condition which alters the horse's gait, attitude or performance such as tripping & stumbling, bucking, rearing, bolting.

What is lameness : 'a condition of diminished function. The term may also be applied to a stiff or painful back that makes walking difficult.'

Whilst lameness is commonly associated with a foot or leg injury, it does not have to be restricted to injury alone. Your horse might be lame in the non-traditional sense and as a result not be performing to the best of his ability

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